According to the Book of Genesis, the golden age of the ancient civilization of Babylon declined after God disrupted the language and people could no longer understand one another.
The failure of communication led to the collapse of social structures and subsequently of the entire culture.
The whole world is Babylon! In today’s globalized world inefficient communication and ignorance more than ever are a major source of conflict and trouble.
We talk, but we don’t understand. We debate, but we don’t receive the message. We process information, but we don’t comprehend the meaning.
Babylon Design School is a playground for fantasy, creativity, empathy and passion.
The highly transdisciplinary educational concept boosts experimental and above all multi-sensory methods, which train heads, hearts, guts and soals.
The goal is to foster peaceful human interaction through art and design.
University of Applied Arts Vienna Babylon Design School was conceived by the designer and educator
Elisabeth Kopf
within the scope of her course “Experimental Projects” at the
University of Applied Arts Vienna. Collaborative projects with international educational partners and project-related alliances with various experts soon expanded the range of transcultural and transdisciplinary experiences.
Art and design students become engaged with scientists, researchers, musicians, philosophers, historians, psychologists,
medics, craftspoeple, cultural managers, curators, media experts, publishers, and many more. A genuine holistic approach constitutes the quality of Babylon Design School.
Redaktion / für den Inhalt verantwortlich: Elisabeth Kopf Design: Design Buero Baustelle (basierend auf der CI von Gerhard Jordan, Tobias Egger und Käthe Ivansich) Copyrights: Alle Rechte an den Werken, die hier präsentiert werden, liegen bei den UrheberInnen. Fotos, Videos und grafische Darstellungen, die der Dokumentation und der Präsentation dienen, stammen (wenn nicht anders gekennzeichnet) aus dem Archiv der Babylon Design School.